Mr. CHUI Fuk-yau, Terry
The District Chairman is appointed to:
(i) 擔任區執行委員會的主席;
(i) chair the District Executive Committee;
(ii) 擔任港島地域會務委員會的當然委員;
(ii) sit in the Hong Kong Island Regional Scout Council as an Ex officio Member;
(iii) 與區總監緊密合作,鼓勵區內童軍運動的良好發展;
(iii) work closely with the District Commissioner to encourage the well-being and progress of Scouting in the District;
(iv) maintain contact with Group Chairmen and Representatives of Group Sponsors in the District; and
(v) 以當然委員的身分出席區內所有小組委員會及臨時小組之會議。
(v) sit in District sub-committees and ad-hoc groups as an Ex officio Member.
List of Chairmen
任期 term in office |
姓名 name |
1961 ~ 1968 | 馮源仲先生 Mr. FUNG Yuen-chung |
1968 ~ 1974 | 施克然先生 Mr. SHI Hark-yin |
1974 ~ 1980 | 麥慶彬先生 Mr. MAK Hing-bun, Henry |
1980 ~ 1990 | 關禮雄博士 Dr. KWAN Lai-hung |
1990 ~ 2001 | 羅錦生先生 JP Mr. LAW Kam-sang JP |
2001 ~ 2015 | 林奕典先生 Mr. LAM Yik-din, William |
2016 ~ now | 趙福有先生 Mr. CHUI Fuk-yau, Terry |