The District Scout Council supports and encourages the development of Scouting in the District. Under the chairmanship of the District President, it shall hold an Annual General Meeting in June each year to:
(a) 批核區執行委員會的週年報告及經審核的財務報告,並呈交報告副本予地域總監;
(a) approve the Annual Report of the District Executive Committee and the audited financial statement, and to send a copy of the Report to the Regional Commissioner;
(b) 確認區總監對區會長、區名譽會長及區主席的提名;
(b) confirm the District Commissioner’s nomination of the District President, District Honorary President, and the District Chairman;
(c) 選舉區副會長、區副主席、區秘書及區司庫;
(c) elect District Vice-President, District Vice-Chairmen, a District Secretary and a District Treasurer;
(d) 根據《政策、組織及規條》規條3.9.4「區執行委員會的成員」,選舉區執行委員會委員;
(d) appoint other Members of the District Executive Committee as provided in “Policy, Organisation and Rules” Rule 3.9.4;
(e) 委任一名區核數人員;
(e) appoint a District Auditor;
(f) 追認區執行委員會批准的本年度區財政預算;
(f) ratify the budget of the District for the current year as approved by the District Executive Committee;
(g) 考慮和審批與該區有關的其他事項。
(g) consider and approve other matters concerning the District.
職位 post | 姓名 name | |
會長 President | 林超英先生 SBS Mr. LAM Chiu-ying SBS | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 黃遠輝先生 SBS JP Mr. WONG Yuen-fai, Stanley SBS JP | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 李思敬先生 Mr. LI Sze-king | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 吳偉民先生 Mr. NG Wai-man, Terence | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 冼姵璇女士 Ms. SIN Pui-shuen, Judy | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 阮慕貞女士 Ms. IUN Mou-cheng, Heidi | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 林良鳳女士 Ms. LAM Leung-fung, Janetta | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 姚欣能先生 Mr. YIU Yan-nang | |
名譽會長 Honorary President | 黎守謙先生 Mr. LAI Sau-him, Ivan | |
副會長 Vice-President | 呂炳材先生 Mr. LUI Ping-choy, Jesse | |
區總監 District Commissioner | 林仲岷先生 Mr. LAM Nathaniel | |
主席 Chairman | 趙福有先生 Mr. CHUI Fuk-yau, Terry | |
副主席 Vice-Chairman | 林昇洪博士 Dr. LAM Sing-hung | |
副區總監(行政) Deputy District Commissioner (Administration) | 何存仁先生 Mr. HO Chuen-yan, Robert | |
副區總監(訓練) Deputy District Commissioner (Training) | 曾滿淦先生 Mr. TSANG Mun-kam, Gilbert | |
助理區總監(深資童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Venture Scouts) | 陳樂仁先生 Mr. CHAN Lok-yan, Andrew | |
助理區總監(童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) | 仇紹謙先生 Mr. CHAU Siu-him, Andy | |
助理區總監(幼童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts) | 郭鴻儀先生 Mr. KWOK Hung-I | |
秘書 Secretary | 朱國安先生 Mr. CHU Kwok-on | |
司庫 Treasurer | 吳衞剛先生 Mr. NG Wai-kwong, Lewis | |
樂行童軍區長 District Rover Scout Leader | 林國強先生 Mr. LAM Kwok-keung | |
幼童軍區長 District Cub Scout Leader | 陳輔雄先生 Mr. CHAN Fu-hung | |
小童軍區長 District Grasshopper Scout Leader | 李曉筠小姐 Miss LI Hiu-kwan, Kimmy | |
小童軍區長 District Grasshopper Scout Leader | 陳曉琳小姐 Miss CHAN Hiu-lam, Jojo | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 區綽雄先生 Mr. AU Cheuk-hung, Sunny | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 歐陽裕洲先生 Mr. AU YEUNG Yu-chau | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 侯霆謙先生 Mr. HAU Ting-him | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 古浩琳小姐 Miss GU Hao-lin | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 盧志超先生 Mr. LO Chi-chiu | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 蘇浩賢先生 Mr. SO Ho-yin, Steven | |
區領袖 District Scouter | 尹健文先生 Mr. WAN Kin-man, Simon | |
區專章秘書 District Badge Secretary | 屈牧瀚先生 Mr. WAT Muk-hon, Barney | |
區設備管理員 District Quartermaster | 梁傑壹先生 Mr. LEUNG Kit-yat | |
區務委員會委員 District Scout Council Lay Member | 鄺學禮先生 Mr. KWONG Hok-Lai | |
區務委員會委員 District Scout Council Lay Member | 李寶志先生 Mr. Lee Po-chi | |
區務委員會委員 District Scout Council Lay Member | 林盼女士 Ms. LAM Pan, Pamela | |
區務委員會委員 District Scout Council Lay Member | 吳矢勤先生 Mr. NG Che-kan, Deforest | |
區務委員會委員 District Scout Council Lay Member | 任淑儀女士 Ms. YAM Suk-yee, Gloria | |
港島西區各旅團領袖、教練員及旅務委員 Scouters, Instructors and Lay Members in Scout Groups in the Hong Kong Island Western District | ||
港島西區各深資童軍團執行委員會主席 Chairmen of all Venture Scout Unit Executive Committees in the Hong Kong Island Western District | ||
港島西區各樂行童軍團管理委員會主席 Chairmen of all Rover Scout Crew Management Committees in the Hong Kong Island Western District |