The District Executive Committee is to support the District Commissioner in meeting his responsibilities and to provide support to Scout Groups in the District. The District Executive Committee shall meet at least once every four months to:
(a) 在區內推動童軍運動的發展;
(a) promote the development of Scouting in the District;
(b) 取得其他團體及社區的合作和支持;
(b) acquire cooperation and support from other organisations and the community;
(c) 為港島西區取得財政支持及籌募經費;
(c) secure financial support and raise fund for the Hong Kong Island Western District;
(d) 管理港島西區的財政及資產;
(d) administer Hong Kong Island Western District finance and assets;
(e) 與區總監商議小組委員會和臨時小組的委員;
(e) appoint sub-committees and ad-hoc groups, in consultation with the District Commissioner;
(f) 審閱及認許港島西區的週年報告與及經審核的財務報告,以備區務委員會在週年會議中批核;
(f) review and endorse the annual report including the audited financial statements of the Hong Kong Island Western District for approval at the Annual General Meeting of the District Scout Council;
(g) 批核港島西區的週年財政預算;
(g) approve the annual budget of the Hong Kong Island Western District;
(h) 計劃領袖的招募;及
(h) plan recruitment of Leaders; and
(i) 處理區內的其他行政事宜。
(i) attend other administrative matters of the District.
職位 post | 姓名 name | |
當然委員 Ex officio Members | ||
助理香港總監(港島地域) Assistant Chief Commissioner (Hong Kong Island Region) | 楊國光博士 Dr. Henry YEUNG Kwok-kwong | |
副地域總監(行政與常務) Deputy Regional Commissioner (Administration and Operations) | 伍尚國先生 Mr. NG Sheung-kwok | |
區總監 District Commissioner | 林仲岷先生 Mr. LAM Nathaniel | |
主席 Chairman | 趙福有先生 Mr. CHUI Fuk-yau | |
副主席 Vice-Chairman | 林昇洪博士 Dr. LAM Sing-hung | |
副區總監(行政) Deputy District Commissioner (Administration) | 何存仁先生 Mr. HO Chuen-yan, Robert | |
副區總監(訓練) Deputy District Commissioner (Training) | 曾滿淦先生 Mr. TSANG Mun-kam, Gilbert | |
助理區總監(深資童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Venture Scouts) | 陳樂仁先生 Mr. CHAN Lok-yan, Andrew | |
助理區總監(童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) | 仇紹謙先生 Mr. CHAU Siu-him, Andy | |
助理區總監(幼童軍) Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts) | 郭鴻儀先生 Mr. KWOK Hung-I, Henry | |
秘書 Secretary | 朱國安先生 Mr. CHU Kwok-on | |
司庫 Treasurer | 吳衞剛先生 Mr. NG Wai-kwong, Lewis | |
選任委員 Elected Members | ||
鄺學禮先生 Mr. KWONG Hok-Lai | ||
李寶志先生 Mr. LEE Po-chi | ||
林盼女士 Ms. LAM Pan | ||
吳矢勤先生 Mr. NG Che-kan | ||
任淑儀女士 Ms. YAM Suk-yee, Gloria | ||
陳輔雄先生 Mr. CHAN Fu-hung | ||
李曉筠小姐 Miss LI Hiu-kwan Kimmy | ||
陳曉琳小姐 Miss CHAN Hiu-lam, Jojo | ||
侯霆謙先生 Mr. HAU Ting-him | ||
梁傑壹先生 Mr. LEUNG Kit-yat | ||
屈牧瀚先生 Mr. WAT Muk-hon, Barney | ||
聘任委員 Co-opted Members | ||
林國強先生 Mr. LAM Kwok-keung | ||
冼詠倫先生 Mr. SIN Wing-lun | ||
尹健文先生 Mr. WAN Kin-man, Simon |